Monday, 26 September 2016

10 Proven Ways To Improve Your Facebook Marketing Strategies

It wasn’t a long time ago when businesses were skeptical of whether they could use Facebook to increase their business. Even if businesses knew the potential of Facebook to reach across to their customers, they would be reluctant to spend their marketing dollars.How are we going to measure the ROI of social media? Is there a successfully proven marketing strategy on Facebook? How can I be active on Facebook when I have a business to run?These were some of the questions that would trouble the minds of many businesses owners, entrepreneurs and company board of directors.According to Facebook’s recent quarterly results, there are 60 million businesses that are using Facebook pages to promote their business. Facebook made a smart move to acquire Instagram because Facebook and Instagram have become the mobile presence for business.So many businesses have seen an increase in revenue due to the successful execution of Facebook marketing strategies. This would not have been possible by ra

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